Well… so much for plans

The best laid plans always seem to fail. Especially when you life is pivoting against the norm. Recently I made the decision that I needed to pursue some new pursits. This was helped by a friend of mine sharing a job posting sure, but it felt right. Usually I am scared to make decisions like this, or to even contemplate them. However, as I said, this just felt right. I applied, and sure enough they got me into an interview QUICK. I think it took less than a week. Within two weeks I had received an offer, and I quickly accepted it. I now have the job title of Senior Development/Operations Systems Engineer. Big long fancy title for, I the DevOps guy. YAY! My job will be to solely focus on how to optimize flows and manage the infrastructure for our developers.

During this time I will have to quickly come up to speed on the code and current infrastructure and start making suggestions on what can be done so that we can keep moving forward.

What does this mean for the blog?

It’s not going anywhere. I still plan on posting to it when I can, but honestly, I am not sure what I want to talk about. Everything seems to be covered anymore. But as I come across things, devops or not, I will throw something up. I can’t promise a schedule right now as I can’t garuntee that I will be able to find content every week that I really want to discuss.